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Astral Travel

Spiritual knowledge assists in Spiritual development. People are confined to material world, they are enslaved to monetary system and materialistic world, which are both temporary in nature.

Our knowledge is limited, there is much for us to know. We will never be afraid of death if only we can read the working of nature. There is a law, you can call it as a spiritual law which we have to follow. You have to follow and live truthfully. Your mind will get poisoned and disturbed if you do not live a virtual sin free life. You will be happy if you follow truth as much as your conscious permits. For doing astral travel these ethical values in life is a must.

You can practice telepathy and astral travel every day, just for fun. It is also a very effective research tool, enabling you to learn anything you want, you only have to deciper the meaning and find the answer.

You can't explain certain things to certain people if their knowledge is limited. Your intelligence and the other person's intelligence should be in equal terms for him to understand what you are saying.

In Astral and Spiritual world too, ask simple questions and make simple astral requests, and as days goes by... and your intelligent increases... you can put more complicated question and get the answer.

There are several things that you should possess for practicing of telepathy and astral travel:

  1. Being in perfect health is an important condition for practise, free the mind of all thoughts. This can be acheived through yoga and meditation.
  2. Have Pure mind - do not harm anyone and develop the ability of forgiving which will help you to live in peace and will assist in astral travel. Full forgiveness for other people's mistakes will lead you to perfect healthy mind and body. People make mistakes and hurt others simply because their awareness and understanding the world and its actions are limited .
  3. Try to eat little, drinking pure water, avoid dinner. Since most of the astral travel happens at night we need every resource from our mind. Metabolising food seems to take a lot of conscious resources from the mind. Please pay attention to how tired you typically feel after a BIG dinner and/or overeating. This is your consciousness communicating to you that you messed up enough and it is the time for you to sleep/rest, so that metabolising the overload can begin without you disturbing it.
  4. Do Meditation for 1 or 2 hours a day. Concentrate on your breathing and your thoughts stops.
  5. Learning to concentrate using good concentration exercises . Concentration during and immediately following meditation. Altering periods of meditation with periods of concentration.
  6. Learning to concentrate during dreams - aim to achieve a full dream control. This is a very effective step, but hard to achieve without systematic practicing.
  7. Matching surrounding colors with colors of your aura - seems to stimulate your senses and abilities, seems to give your mind greater control over your body. If you think that colors in your life are unimportant, imagine eliminating color from your life. Imagine decorating your bedroom in BLACK, remove all color items, put a black furniture and linen and see how you would feel.
  8. The most effective seems to be meditation and concentration between 3-5 am each morning, followed by a controlled dream when you go back to bed. A 10 minutes of yoga (+breath control) before the above procedure seems also helpful. Self-discipline is the most difficult part.
  9. When you lie down in bed after meditation, concentrate with your eyes closed on the center of your forehead. Simply speaking, you should try to slow down the process of getting asleep again. When the dream comes, you are already awake and you can consciously try to control what happens. You can fly, change places etc.. Your OWN thought is your "genie", so if you are afraid, you create a nightmare immediately. Be aware, that any thought related in ANY way to your physical body (such as a desire to speak, move hands or any part of the body, look at your body, fear that you may hurt your body etc..) is likely to bring you back to your physical body IMMEDIATELY.
  10. Be prepared that what you think you "know" may be a BIG hindrance in astral travel. Note, that all your "knowledge" comes from the material world on Earth, and is severely distorted and/or limited. It may be a doctrine, paradigm or a habit, rather than the knowledge. For example a feeling of a surprise (when in astral) occurs because you RELATE what you experience in astral to what you EXPECT on the basis of what you have LEARNED in your physical body. Any such thought brings you BACK very quickly.
  11. It is best not to expect anything, and (telepathically) ask questions like "I want to know what is best for me to learn TODAY". It will be your Higher Self (your own higher consciousness) who will choose the best lesson for you. Don't forget to be grateful. It is YOURSELF you are grateful to.
  12. Note, that posing ambiguous request may result in unpredictable situation. For example, requesting to go 15,000 years back may bring you to the Moon or a middle of a volcano, simply because you have not specified the location precisely. On the other hand, a request to see your mother NOW (even if you don't know where she is, or is not alive) is very precise and is more likely to be successful.
  13. Discipline of thoughts is essential (a hard bit). It is best to exercise a discipline of thoughts during the day, all the time, so it becomes your natural state of mind.
  14. Don't be surprised if you cannot remember details of your astral travel after you come back. It is essential to stand up and write them down immediately after you finished your travel. Again, discipline is needed, because when you are half asleep after your astral travel everything seems so obvious that it seems that you can remember it forever. Furthermore you feel very comfortable and ready to fall asleep. So many times I was disappointed with myself, simply because I was lazy and have not written down details. If you write enough details, you can consciously reconstruct the information later, when you need it.
  15. Don't be disappointed if you cannot do astral travel everyday. A good session once a month, even if you attempt it every day will be enough.
  16. Watching a violent movie, crime or war news, or simply getting upset (for any reason) can have a profound detrimental effect on the initial conditions required for astral travel. Everything in the Universe happens for a reason, and your actions whether good or bad is linked with your karmas. To wipe out bad karmas concentrate on your muladhara chakra during meditation. The bad karmas recorded there gets erased day by day when you continue meditating concentrating on your muladhara chakra.
  17. The most important is not only what you do but WHY do you do it. The same applies to thoughts. Think about it. You have to be absolutely honest with yourself. Purify your mind from the many ill-thoughts on others-the revengeful one, lest the satan takes over you and fulfills its actions.

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